Lindsey + Brandon | Simply Beautiful Loretto Wedding

Last spring, my cousin Lindsey got engaged. For those of you who don’t know about mine and Lindsey's relationship...she has been someone I looked up to, copied, annoyed, followed around, and never left alone for just about my entire childhood. I can still remember playing Barbie's together, staying up all night in sleeping bags on the floor, and begging her to teach me her newest cheerleading dance every time I saw her. Lindsey has something special about her- something that not many people have. She has the voice of an angel, a heart made of pure gold, and an outlook on life that is simplistic and beautiful. You see, throughout the years, I’ve seen many people mold and conform to align with their surroundings. Lindsey was never one of those people. She is unapologetically herself. She is brave, strong, and honestly really freaking funny. I’ve seen Lindsey go through hard times, and through the darkest of it all, she held her head high and stood firm in who she was. In a world where so many people strive to be the same as everyone else, it is so beautiful to be around a soul that doesn’t mind being different. Lindsey had been dating Brandon for years and was confident from the very beginning that she had found her soulmate in him. I think Brandon is one of the luckiest men alive. Brandon has found someone who will love him and love him hard. Someone loyal, someone caring, and someone he will never have to question. It was such an honor to be the one behind the camera capturing their special day. Neither of these two seeks the spotlight often, so it made showering them with love and attention that much more special. I hope that you enjoy this little sneak peek into their wedding day. I hope that the pictures tell the story of a beautiful union of two souls- a day I will never forget as long as I live.


I want to start by thanking You for blessing our family with Lindsey, and now with Brandon. You created him for her, and her for him. You make no mistakes. I thank You for blessing our family with the peaceful feeling of Lindsey’s father’s presence throughout this beautiful day. It did not go unnoticed. I can only imagine the joy that he felt as he watched his daughter marry the man that You created for her. I thank You for the sacrament of marriage, and all of the beauty that grows from that very moment. You did big with Lindsey. She is someone so special to me, and I am so happy that she found someone like Brandon that loves and appreciates her to her core. I pray that You bless their marriage. I pray that You bring them many years of love and happiness together. I pray that You touch their hearts with patience when it is needed, love when it easier to hate, and strength when they face adversity. I pray that You guide them throughout this new season of life, and help them recognize all of the beauty that it holds. Life can sometimes be challenging, but sometimes it can be oh so beautiful. Help them to remember to enjoy this time together. I pray that they remember to keep You in the center of their marriage. Thank You for allowing us to love. I pray that we never take such a thing for granted. Let no man separate what You have brought together.



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