Kaitlyn Adams | University of North Alabama Senior

Kaitlyn Adams is one of the lucky girls that is blessed with brains and looks. When she asked me to take her graduation photos, I said yes immediately! I knew that time with her would be special. She is beautiful, but also a lot of fun. She brought along her mom for the shoot, and we all three were cracking up the entire time! Kaitlyn is graduating from The University of North Alabama in December with a degree in Sports Marketing. She plans to come back to UNA in the spring to continue her education and attain a minor in Legal Studies before she makes her next venture into law school. Kaitlyn has the world at her fingertips, and I feel confident that she will go far. Take a peek into my time bouncing around the campus of UNA with sweet Kaitlyn!


I pray that You bless Kaitlyn as she continues along the path that You designed for her. Guide her through this confusing time of the “in between” and keep her focus on You. You have led her this far, and she has so much potential. I can see it. Give her the courage to speak about You as often as she can. Give her the wisdom to continue with her studies successfully. Bless her with happiness along the way. I pray that You use Kaitlyn to bring others closer to You. It is obvious that You have big plans for her. I cannot wait to see what she does with it all.



Madyson Peoples | Phil Campbell High School Senior


Danielle Ahlstrom | Covenant Christian High School Senior