Caitlyn Collins | Muscle Shoals High School Senior

This is my first blog in a while, and boy does it feel good to be writing it. Spring is finally here, and I could not possibly be any happier about it. I kept busy during the winter months, but there’s just something about new life blooming that makes me so hopeful and excited for this new season.

There is a lot going on in our world right now. A lot of fear, a lot of struggle, and a lot of loss. At times I catch myself focusing on all of that and wondering why- why things like this happen, why people are losing their jobs, why people are dying. It’s in those moments that I also become aware of all of the unity and beauty that is arising from it all. I have witnessed my local community come together like never before. People seem to truly be caring about others, and wanting to support each other in whatever ways they possibly can. I hope that this pandemic doesn’t last long, but I do think that there is beauty shining through the darkness- a beauty that we were lacking for a while now. I hope that we don’t lose focus of the good.

I say all of that to say this: My first session of 2020 was KILLER. I got to work with an absolute beauty, who radiates light like I’ve never seen before. Caitlyn wasn’t too sure about being infront of the camera at first, but little did she know that she would become one of my favorite people to photograph by the end of the session. I hope that these photos capture the fun that we had together.

Caitlyn will be graduating from Muscle Shoals High School this May, and she hopes to one day attend Wallace State Community College to study Dental Hygiene. She enjoys playing tennis, hanging out with friends, babysitting, and family time!


I pray that You bless this entire world as we try and navigate this current situation. I pray that You comfort the seniors that are not getting to finish their senior year the way they always envisioned. I pray that You continue to keep everyone’s eyes on what is truly important in this life, so that we don’t all get caught up in the times. I pray that You guide Caitlyn as she closes one door and opens another. Caitlyn is a special, special girl. I can truly feel that there is a purpose for her here just by spending a little time with her. She has something inside of her that not many people have, and I know that You chose her for a reason. I thank You for allowing our paths to cross. You did big with this one.



Kaylee Eldridge | Muscle Shoals High School Senior


The Gresham Family