Alyssa Franks | Muscle Shoals High School Senior

My shoot with Alyssa is one that I will remember for a long time. I watched this girl truly transform from someone who was a little nervous and unsure of what to expect into a legitimate model with all of the confidence in the world about 20 minutes into our shoot. I caught myself trying new locations, new poses, and new ways of shooting during my time with her. We had the coolest chemistry, and she could pull off some of the artistic shots I’ve been dying to try. I love when me and my client connect during our time together. It’s a sort of connection that is unlike most, and I think that’s what makes it so beautiful.

Alyssa is more than just the beauty that you see in these photos. She was so easy-going and trusting in my vision. I absolutely adore this shoot, and I hope that you guys do too!


I pray that You are a guiding light for Alyssa as she ventures into the unknown that lies ahead. I pray that You remind her of Your Love for her when she faces hardships, and Your Presence when she is happy. I love that You created her exactly that way that You did. I pray that Alyssa never doubts the love and purpose You have for her here. I cannot wait to see Your plans for her unfold!



Payton Brewer | Muscle Shoals High School Senior


Max Wilcoxson | 1 Year Old Shoot