The Willingham Quadruplets | Muscle Shoals High School Seniors

One of my favorite parts about this job is how different each and every day of it is. I love trying new shooting locations, new poses, and new types of photography. This session was definitely a first for me: Quadruplets! And it just might have ended up being one of my favorite sessions yet.

I’ve always grown up knowing who the Willingham Quads were, but I didn’t really know them. Boy, was I missing out! These four are a good time, and so enjoyable to be around. Taking people’s photos is an interesting gig. Sometimes they’re excited, but most of the time they feel a wee bit uncomfortable. I love being able to break people out of that shell and really give them the confidence to let loose in front of the camera, and that is exactly what happened throughout the course of this session. I absolutely love how they turned out, and even more so I love that I now have four new friends!

I only spend an hour or so with the seniors that I work with, but I always make an effort to really get to know that person during our time. I love working with all sorts of different personalities, and I really enjoy writing about them. So, I felt it was only right to share a little about each of the quadruplets and how great they truly are.

Anna- This girl is freaking COOL. Her style, her look, her way of communicating. Just everything. She’s beautiful and doesn’t even know it. She really wanted to try and incorporate some artistic photos, and I loved that. She is good to her core. I wanna be just like Anna when I grow up.

Caroline- What a beauty, am I right?! This girl has it going on, and I’m almost positive she will be a Vogue model before it’s all said and done. She has her own unique style and WORKS it. I could put her in any situation and she would confidently rock it. She has such a beautiful soul, and I loved working with her.

Kate- This girl is something special. She just has kindness, beauty, and genuine happiness bubbling out of her. Her giggly, sweet spirit was so fun to capture with a camera. She has such a welcoming way about her, and an underlying confidence that is going to help her achieve big things one day!

Luke- Last but not least, the brother that deals with them all! Luke was such a gentleman throughout the entire shoot, always offering to carry my equipment or help in any way he could. He bounced around with all of us and let me take as many photos as I wanted of him, which is big for a boy. He is going to be quite the heartbreaker in college.

As you can imagine, it’s pretty difficult to get all of their schedules to align. So Mama Willingham asked if we could snap a few family photos while we had them all together, and I love how they turned out! Having these four all under the same roof is going to be a rare sighting in the near future, and I think it’s so important to document this time while you have it.


I thank You for the gift of siblings. I thank You for the love and the support that comes from family. I thank You for allowing my path to cross with such incredible people, and for the opportunity to document it all. I see You shining through this family. I pray that You guide them all along their individual paths’ with ease. I pray that You give them the platform to spread Your Name while they are beginning their own lives in college, and the courage to preach it. I know that You have incredible plans for these four, and I cannot wait to see them unfold!



Ashley Smith | University of North Alabama Senior


Ansley Hines | Rogers High School Senior