Riley Grace Inman | Muscle Shoals High School Senior

This session was one of the coolest shoots I’ve been able to be a part of thus far. When Riley Grace asked me to shoot her senior portraits, I was immediately super excited- she’s absolutely beautiful, which makes my job easy. However, I had no idea we would have as much fun as we ended up having! We started out at the TVA Rockpile and then went out on the beautiful Tennessee River for the second half of the session. We took a huge boat out to the middle of the river and had the BEST time. Getting to try new scenes and do different things gets my creative juices flowing, which is one of the thrills of this job. I’m so excited to share these photos with you guys!

“My favorite memory from high school is getting to be a part of the performing arts department. My passion is being on stage and that department gave me a family and some of my very best friends.” - Riley Grace

“All of my ‘free time’ consists of dance and spending as much time with friends as I can during our senior year!! I love getting to do what I love and being around my favorite people!” - Riley Grace

“The most influential people in my life has been my parents. They both do so much for me that I can’t pick just one. They are both always so supportive in anything I do and give the best life advice to make me the young woman I have become.” - Riley Grace

“I plan to attend college after graduation! While it’s still undecided, I plan on majoring in Musical Theater, while also taking prerequisite classes for medical school. They are very different things, but they’re both my passions.” - Riley Grace

“I will for sure miss all of my friends and family when I move away for college. They have given me the best memories while growing up and I can never thank the enough for always being there for me.” - Riley Grace


I thank You for such an incredible experience with such an awesome girl. Riley Grace is radiating happiness and positivity, and she was so refreshing to work with. I thank You for blessing me with a job that allows me to meet so many incredible people. I thank You for Riley Grace, and all of the joy that she brings to this world. I pray that You keep a close watch over her as she begins the adventure of adulthood, and that You bless her with Your Peace each time she starts to worry. I thank You for blessing her with such loving parents, and I pray that You give them the wisdom to continue to lead her along the path You so perfectly designed for her. I cannot wait to see what all You have in store for this one.



Madalyn Shirley | Brooks High School Senior


Kaitlyn Berry | Muscle Shoals High School Senior