Rylee Yard | Muscle Shoals High School Senior

I truly cannot say enough about how much I love this session. I also cannot fully express how much I loved working with Rylee Yard. She is just such an awesome human being. She’s good to her core, and her external beauty is unreal. Our time together was one of those sessions that reminded me why I love doing what I do so much. It just lit me up inside, which is much needed at this time of year for photographers.

I hope that these photos reflect Rylee’s beautiful personality, and the fun that we had while taking them! I can only imagine what the road ahead of her holds. I know that God has some really grand plans for this girl, and I am so thankful that I get to play a small role in that.

“My favorite high school memory so far would definitely be our Senior Sunrise! It was the first event that we had as a class since the COVID outbreak, and we all came together on the band field with our blankets and mask! Although it was different than we thought our Senior Year Sunrise was going to go, it was a blast. After we watched the sunrise, we decorated our cars as a class and we had music playing and it was a blast!” - Rylee

“The most influential person in my life is my mom. My mom is one of those people that from the moment you have a conversation with her, you immediately have a smile on your face! She has taught me so much and has helped me grow into the person I am today, and I am forever thankful for that!” - Rylee 

“After graduation I plan to attend Mississippi Sate University! From the moment I stepped on State’s campus, I just knew it was the place for me! I cannot wait to start my next four years as a Bulldog!” - Rylee


You have a way of amazing me time and time again. You have really done big with Rylee Yard. She just pours out goodness and radiates Your Light like none other. I know that You have big plans to use her to bring others to Your Kingdom, and I cannot think of a better person to do it. I pray that You bless Rylee with Your Peace when life gets tough, and Your Love when she feels lost. I pray that she always keeps the bright soul that she has now. I am so thankful for this new friendship, and for the unmatched light that You created when You made Rylee.



Playtime with Miller & Oliver


Saylor Collum | Muscle Shoals High School Senior