Griffin Shewbart | Shoals Christian High School Senior

This session with Griffin was good for my creative soul. I love trying something new and having a (somewhat) blank canvas of space to work with. Sometimes my senior boys aren’t as enthusiastic as my girls are, but Griffin was a good sport and followed my direction with ease and confidence. I really enjoyed being a part of the planning and execution of this shoot. I hope you all enjoy!

“The hobbies and past times I enjoy the most are playing sports and fishing. Basketball and baseball have been a huge part of helping me grow and helping me learn to face challenges. Growing up I spent a lot of my free time with a hook in the water. I learned everything I could about fishing and really enjoyed it. As I have gotten older, I have started playing golf. I am a cart attendant at Cypress Lakes Golf Club and I fell in love with the game while working there.” - Griffin

“My favorite memory from high school is playing basketball and hanging out with friends after games. We usually go to Buffalo Wild Wings or Waffle House. It's always crazy when we get together, but it's always a lot of fun.” - Griffin

“My grandparents have been very influential in my life. Along with my parents, they have helped me learn life lessons, strengthened my faith, and showed me what hard work looks like. I cannot thank them enough for all they have done for me.” - Griffin

“I am undecided on my college choice, but hope to settle on one soon. My goal is to get a degree in Computer Information Systems with a specialization in Cyber Security. I would like to work for the FBI as a Cyber Security Analyst.” - Griffin


I pray that You continue to guide Griffin along the unique path that You designed specifically for him. I know that You have big plans for him as he continues to grow into the man that You have such a beautiful purpose for on this Earth. Give him Your Peace when he faces adversity, and Your Wisdom when it is needed. Thank You for allowing my path to cross with such a sweet family.



Savannah Davis | Muscle Shoals High School Senior


Madeline Cooper | Russellville High School Senior