Victoria Bradford | University of North Alabama Senior

I always get excited for upcoming shoots, but sometimes I get really excited. When Victoria Bradford asked me to shoot her graduation photos, I got really excited. I’ve known Victoria since we were both really young, and she has always had the most fun spunk about her. She’s also always been truly stunning, which never makes my job any harder by any means.

This shoot ended up being just as wonderful as I hoped it would be! Victoria has soared through college with ease and is graduating this August with a BBA in Professional Finance. She hopes to soon earn a job as a Financial Advisor or Financial Analyst. Her motivation is so admirable! Just this summer she is working full time while also knocking out 12 hours of classes. This girl has got it going on, and I think we all could learn a thing or two from her!


I pray that You continue to bless Victoria with the work ethic and drive that You have so far. She will be unstoppable if she continues down the path she is on now. I know that You have big plans for her, and I don’t doubt for a second that she will make You proud. I thank You for bright souls like this one. I thank You for allowing me to know Victoria for as long as I have, and I pray that she never forgets how truly amazing she is. I cannot wait to see how she glorifies Your Kingdom throughout her time here. I pray that You always bless her with Your Peace along the way.



Ashley Phillips | Muscle Shoals High School Senior


Cannon Joly | Deshler High School Senior