Taylor + Tanner Elrod | Muscle Shoals High School Seniors

The only thing better than shooting a senior’s portraits is shooting two senior’s portraits together! Taylor and Tanner have done life side-by-side since the day they were born, so it was only fitting to document this milestone in their lives together as well! I took a little break from shooting this past month to avoid the horrid heat that an Alabama August can bring with it, but boy did it feel good to get back out there again. These two twins are so special, and they have a really endearing bond. They both were so down to earth and just happy to be there that it made for a great session! Keep scrolling for a peek at my time with the Elrod twins!


I pray that You watch over Taylor and Tanner as they navigate through this important season of life. I pray that You give them guidance and peace as they make some of the big decisions that they will be faced with along the way. I pray that You keep their bond close, and that they only grow closer with age. There is something about a sibling’s love that no one else can really compare to. I thank You for siblings, and the lifetime friend we have in them. I pray that You give their parents peace as they watch their babies soar in this big world! I have a feeling You’ve got some big things in store for these two, and I can’t wait to see.



A Trip Out West


Sydney Brook | University of North Alabama Senior