Sara Puckett | Muscle Shoals High School Senior

It’s rare to meet someone who is incredibly gifted, yet so humble. Sara Puckett is exactly that. She is tall, beautiful, and an absolutely amazing athlete. I have heard her name spread around town since she was a young girl when it was basketball season. Now she’s all grown up and leaving this sweet little town for Tennessee as she becomes a Lady Volunteer and plays for The University of Tennessee! How freaking major is that?!

We had a blast bouncing around town and getting some fun portraits of her, but my favorite part was when we really put her in her comfy place and let her play around on a basketball court. I love including things that are personal to my seniors’ in their shoots. I just find it so important to document exactly who they are in this moment of their lives. It makes for some really cool shots, and a fond memory to look back on one day.

I know that Sara has so much potential and so many big things ahead of her. Her drive, determination, and focus have gotten her so far already. Who she is as a person is just icing on the cake. I am so excited to cheer her on next season and see what all God has in store for her throughout this next chapter!

“My favorite memory from high school is playing our rival game against Florence (in basketball of course), and getting to play in front of a big crowd. I love getting to hear everyone go crazy when we score or we have a good play.” - Sara

“My mom has been the most influential person in my life because she is a strong, loving, caring, woman of God. She has taught me how to face adversity head on and to never give up on anything. She has taught me to be confident in knowing who I am.” - Sara

“After graduation, I will be headed to Knoxville. I plan to play basketball there for four years while I work on getting my undergraduate degree for physical therapy.” - Sara

“Deciding which college I wanted to play basketball at was a long process and it was pretty difficult. I had many great opportunities at many schools. I had to figure out where I felt that I fit the best at, where I like the culture and coaches, and where I saw myself playing collegiate basketball at.” - Sara


I watch Sara and it is impossible to not see You. She is radiating with Your Love and Kindness. Her talents are so incredible, and so obviously work of Your Hands. I thank You for creating us all uniquely, and giving us different things that we can enjoy here on this earth. I thank You for blessing someone like Sara with such a gift because I feel confident that she will continue to use it to bring others closer to You. There is a reason that her purpose on this earth is in the spotlight, and I know that You have her exactly there because she will use that platform to glorify You. I am so thankful that I got to spend some time with such a cool human. Please watch over her closely as she ventures away from home, and give her Your Peace throughout her journey.



Jackson Butler | Muscle Shoals High School Senior


Playtime with Miller & Oliver