Jackson Butler | Muscle Shoals High School Senior

Jackson Butler is one cool kid. It’s rare that I work with boys, but I enjoy it when I do. They are completely different than working with girls. Their outlook on the entire shoot is often much less enthusiastic than my gals, which I view as a challenge- and I love a good challenge. Jackson was like most boys, just there to mainly make his Mama happy. However, by the end of the session we were both cracking up and having the best time. I dare say that it was less painful than he predicted it might be.

Jackson has big goals, and the drive to achieve all of them plus some. Just talking with him about his plans for college immediately impressed me. He plans to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering and then put that degree to use as a Robotics Engineer- talk about brains! He was so kind, and willing to do whatever I asked of him. I truly enjoyed my time getting to know him, and I’m so excited to watch his dreams become a reality!

“One of my favorite memories from high school is the field trip the band took to Universal Studios in Orlando. We played in a parade that they were holding, and afterwards, we had free time to explore the theme park.” - Jackson

“My parents have been the most influential people in my life. They push me towards excellence, and help me when I have a problem.” - Jackson

“The best advice I know to give any freshmen would be to take Sahil’s advanced classes only if you’re going to put the work in. Also, enjoy your time in high school.” - Jackson

“After graduation, I plan to attend a four-year college to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. Then, I hope to work as a Robotics Engineer.” - Jackson


I thank You for Jackson and the sweet spirit that he carries within him. I know that is Your Spirit shining through, and it’s so refreshing to be around. Thank You for blessing him with such a great family and great friends that have helped him along his journey so far. I am so eager to see what all You have in store for him as he continues along the path that You designed uniquely for him. I feel confident that he will not disappoint. Please guide him carefully as he moves away for college and becomes more independent. Bless him with good friends and good mentors to lead him closer to You in all that he does.



Emma Maness | Muscle Shoals High School Senior


Sara Puckett | Muscle Shoals High School Senior