Drew Clark | Muscle Shoals High School Senior

Drew Clark is one special teenager! He is so friendly and carries a feeling of comfort that you notice as soon as you’re around him. We had a great time bouncing around all the fall hot-spot locations in town, and even trying a few new ones! I really enjoyed my time with Drew, and I love how these turned out. I think his sweet spirit translated perfectly through this shoot, which is always my goal. We also included some shots from Drew’s home away from home- the football field. Drew is a member of the Muscle Shoals Marching Band, so we stopped by James F. Moore stadium to get a couple of fun shots in his band attire. I love when my seniors incorporate their passions into their shoots!

“My favorite memory from high school is the first time I got to march in the band at our first football game. I remember the nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach at the beginning, and the pride I felt when I realized had made through my first performance.” - Drew

“If I could give one piece of advice to a freshman, it would be to never stop being yourself.” - Drew

“My Mom is the most influential person in my life. She has been there to support and help me through everything. She has always loved me.” - Drew

“After graduation, I plan to start at The University of North Alabama for my basics, and then transfer to UAH or UA to get my degree in Mechanical Engineering.” - Drew


Thank You for Drew and his sweet spirit. Thank You for reminding me through my seniors lately how many good people there still are in this world, how much excitement there still is, and how much planning for the future is still happening. Sometimes it gets a little dark in the “real world,” and I love how much my seniors have been bringing me back to what’s really important. I pray that You bless Drew as he ventures into the next chapter of his life. I pray that You remain his source of comfort and guidance, and that he always remembers to call on You when times get tricky. Thank You for bringing us together and allowing me to spend some time with such a cool guy!



Shelby Daniel | Muscle Shoals High School Senior


Mackenzie Bruce | Florence High School Senior