Mackenzie Bruce | Florence High School Senior

Every now and then I’ll have a session that just WORKS. No issues, no tricky lighting to compete with, no discomfort from my model. It just works.

That is exactly how my session with Mackenzie Bruce was. Our chemistry aligned immediately, and I could feel that she trusted my vision and was open to whatever I asked of her. She was giggly and sweet, but could put on the best serious face on command. She was so much fun to work with, and I’m so excited to start expanding into the Florence crowd some! I’m so thankful for this session and the time I got to spend with sweet Mackenzie. She made my job really easy.

“I have attended Florence High School since kindergarten. I love attending Florence because everyday I see a new face walking down the halls. Florence also has so many great opportunities for students that will benefit them and prepare them for the future. I’m very grateful to attend such an amazing school that makes learning the top priority.” - Mackenzie

“My favorite memory from high school is Friday night football games. The atmosphere was amazing and reminded me of how much I was going to miss attending Florence High School.” - Mackenzie

“In college I plan on majoring in Kinesiology because I want to pursue my dream of becoming a Physical Therapist.” - Mackenzie

“In ten years I hope to wake up everyday happy and doing what I love. I hope to see myself being a Physical Therapist with a great job and know that all my hard work has payed off.” - Mackenzie


I pray that You watch closely over Mackenzie as she ventures into the “real world” and becomes more independent. I pray that with her newfound independence, she leans on You even more. I pray that You give her guidance when she’s confused, and joy when things are going well. I thank You for connecting the two of us, and allowing me to get to know such a cool gal. She truly has the world at her fingertips, and I can’t wait to see what she does with it!



Drew Clark | Muscle Shoals High School Senior


Emma Maness | Muscle Shoals High School Senior