Peyton Langston | Florence High School Senior

This session is one that I’ve been so excited to share with you guys. Peyton Langston is a true gem- in every sense of the word. She is stunning, but also kind, warm, and genuine. She radiates just good vibes. I loved every second that I had her in front of my camera. She worked it like a true model. I live for sessions like this one, and I hope that you all enjoy this preview as much as I enjoyed creating it!

“My favorite memory from high school was definitely being crowned homecoming queen!! That moment was so surreal and it’s an experience that I’ll never forget!! Another memory that I’ll forever cherish was having the opportunity to be a part of a high school sorority! The friendships that I made will always hold a special place in my heart!!” - Peyton

“One person who has truly influenced me would be my mom. She is definitely the strongest human I know! Throughout all of life’s obstacles that have been thrown at her, she remains a solid rock for our family! Her relationship with the Lord is something that I strive to have every day!” - Peyton

“Even though senior year has been super different, we’ve managed to make so many more memories! One of my favorite moments so far has been our senior candlelight!! Seeing the senior slide show and realizing how far everyone has come was a bittersweet moment!! Blowing out the candle was sad but also hopeful for a start of new beginnings!!” - Peyton

“After graduation, I plan to attend the University of North Alabama to major in Psychology in hopes to be a clinical counselor! I’m so excited for this new chapter of my life and can’t wait to see what my future holds!!” - Peyton


I pray that You continue to watch closely over sweet Peyton. I know that You have designed the most perfectly unique path for her in this life, and I feel confident that it is an amazing one. I am so excited to see how You use her to broaden Your Kingdom as she takes on the “real world.” You did really big with this one.



Zoie McGuyer | Florence High School Senior


Shelby Daniel | Muscle Shoals High School Senior