Mallie Hester | Muscle Shoals High School Senior

There are times in the art world where you truly just get carried away. You lose sense of time and you don’t care to regain it. You’re creating something that is timeless and in some ways, magical. This was exactly the case a couple of weeks ago when I shot with Mallie Hester. I have said I wanted to shoot Mallie’s senior portraits since I first worked with her family almost a year ago now, so I was thrilled when we set a date this spring. I knew that it would be amazing because she is obviously stunning, and there are few things better in the photography world than working with a beautiful girl one on one. However, I wasn’t expecting to wrap up and realize that I had just spent three hours straight shooting with Mallie, and shot over 1,000 images.

After working with the shots I got, I believe it was fully worth every single second of my time spent. Keep scrolling and let me know what you think… :)

“My favorite memories from high school have to be the all of the ones made on the cheer team! I could not have imagined my experience in high school to have been the same if I had not cheered. I thrived on football Friday nights! Getting to cheer on my school and see all of the students and community rally together is something I lived for! It will be the most missed aspect of high school for me!” - Mallie

“My grandmother has been the most influential person I’ve had in my life. She is my absolute favorite person in the world and I don’t know how I could live without her. She consistently shows me what a Godly woman should be, teaches me right and wrong, and pushes me to reach limits I don’t believe are possible. She also is the best cook in the world and makes a killer homemade red velvet cake.” - Mallie

“I plan to attend the University of North Alabama and major in Interior Design. I am so excited to see what the future holds for me not only academically, but in all around aspects of my life!” - Mallie


I thank You for Mallie. I thank You for blessing this world with such an incredibly spirited disciple of Yours, and I thank You for blessing her with a family that raised her to know You. I pray that she continues to follow You and lead others to You as she gains a new sense of freedom in the upcoming years. Be with her family as they adjust, and be with Mallie as she learns to navigate new trials on her own. I pray that she always feels Your Peace, and is carefully guided along the path that You so perfectly designed just for her. I know that You have an enormous purpose for her here on Earth, and I cannot wait to watch her fulfill it with grace.



Caroline Campbell | Florence High School Senior


Lauren Franks | Muscle Shoals High School Senior