Olivia Nester | Wilson High School Senior

This was one of those shoots that really just lit my soul on fire. The kind of shoot that reminds me why I love what I do. Olivia was simply stunning. The kind of girl every girl wishes they were- absolutely beautiful, and still somehow even prettier on the inside. She radiated of happiness and had such a calm, easy-going spirit that I felt like I had free reign to put her in any scene and she would confidently rock it.

The shoot wrapped up with one of the slowest, most beautiful sunsets I’ve witnessed, camera-in-hand, in a while. We took full advantage of this golden hour sunlight by a pond in the backyard of her childhood home, next to willow tree that they planted for her as a small girl. The entire night had that warm fuzzy feeling attached to it, and I hope that these images reflect that.


“My Senior Portrait Session was so much fun! Mackenzie was so easy to work with, I never felt uncomfortable. She is very outgoing and enthusiastic which makes it easy to work with her! You can definitely tell she loves what she does.” - Olivia

“After I graduate High School, I plan to attend the University of Alabama where I will be majoring in Business. I am super excited and can’t wait for what the futures holds! Roll Tide!” - Olivia

“My favorite High School memory would have to be going to state for tennis my junior year! It was such a fun time and I made many memories with my team that I will remember forever!” - Olivia

“I enjoy traveling with my family, being on the lake, playing tennis with my friends, and going shopping.” - Olivia

“My Mom is the most influential person in my life, she is always encouraging me. She shows her love in many ways. She is the greatest role model and has taught me so much throughout my life. I love you, Mom.” - Olivia


I pray that You bless Olivia as she ventures off to Tuscaloosa for college in the fall. I pray that You provide her with the knowledge to do well in class, and also in her new adult life. I know that she will bring others to know You with the contagious Light that she radiates. Thank You for allowing me to meet such a sweet soul! You did big with this one.



Sophie McDaniel | Florence High School Senior


Payton Edwards | Florence High School Senior