Emma Maness | Muscle Shoals High School Senior

I truly enjoyed every second of my time with Emma Maness! She is such a gentle, sweet spirit to be around. She’s calm, but confident. She was willing to do anything and everything that I asked of her, and we ended up having so much fun together throughout this shoot! I feel confident that her fun personality will take her far in this life, and she will make the most incredible teacher one day. I’m so thankful that I got to play a small role in helping document this special time in Emma’s life.

“My favorite memory from high school is definitely Homecoming Week at my old school in Louisiana. We always went ALL OUT for dress up days and if you didn’t dress up then you were basically crazy! ‘Merica Day was always the Wednesday of Homecoming Week each year, and it was definitely one everyone looked forward to!” - Emma

“Advice I would tell a freshman is to definitely get involved in as many activities/clubs as you can. I was very involved during my first two years of high school and it definitely helped make the transition to high school A LOT easier and it was where I made some of the best friendships that I still have to this day!” - Emma

“The most influential person in my life would definitely be my aunt. She is always there for me during both rough AND good times and always seems to know just what to say. She is someone I know I can always lean on in any situation and has helped me through a lot.” - Emma

“I will be graduating high school in December and attending the University of North Alabama in the Spring to major in Elementary Education. I have always loved being around children and being a teacher is something I am very passionate about!” - Emma


Thank You for Emma. Thank You for allowing me to get to spend some time getting to know her and connect with her in a way that not many people get the chance to do. I am eternally grateful for my career and the people that it allows me to cross paths with. I know that it was no accident that You crossed mine and Emma’s paths when You did. I know that she has big things ahead of her at UNA this spring, and I am so excited to see what all You have in store. I pray that she glorifies You in all of her successes, and that she turns to You when she faces hardships. You blessed her with an amazing family and support group. I pray that she leans on them when life gets tough, and that they encourage her towards You. Her spirit was designed perfectly for working with children, and I know that was no accident. Walk closely by her side as she continues down the perfect path you have created for her. I’m so excited to see it unfold.



Mackenzie Bruce | Florence High School Senior


Jackson Butler | Muscle Shoals High School Senior