Reagan Huguley | Muscle Shoals High School Senior

I feel a lot of emotions while sitting down to write this blog. I feel excited because this is my last session of 2020 and I freaking love it- like, couldn’t pick a better one to close out with. I feel motivated because I can’t wait to get my hands on all of these photos and really create some art. I feel grateful because this year (despite all of the craziness that COVID has brought about) has been one of the most incredible years of my life. In this year, my business has grown exponentially, and I truly cannot begin to express my gratitude to each and every client that trusted me to document each special moment in his or her lives. I also feel eager because I can sense myself getting better with each shoot that I do, and I just truly cannot wait for the growth that comes within 2021. I honestly just feel really dang happy.

With all of that rambling out of the way- I now present to you the lovely Reagan Huguley! I left this shoot and immediately called my mom and said “What a great shoot to end this amazing year on.” Everything just fell into place perfectly with Reagan. We shot this in the morning, which I sometimes oddly prefer. The morning sunlight just has something about it that is hard to compete with. Reagan made the most amazing model, and I think that we got some awesome shots. Not only is this chick stunning, she’s also so kind and very easy to talk to. We had a great time bouncing around Downtown Florence and shooting out at a stunning private residence that I had the privilege of shooting at a couple of times this fall. I hope that you guys enjoy this session as much as I do, and thank you for tuning in each week! I have loved sharing my work with all of you.

“Being in the student section at football games has definitely created some of my favorite memories from high school. Nothing beats the energy that comes with the chaos of cheering on the Trojans, dressing up with the theme, scoring the winning point in the last second of the game, and screaming until you lose your voice. Those are memories I’ll carry with me forever.” - Reagan

“The number one thing I love most about Muscle Shoals High School is the school spirit! I’m on my school’s dance team so I get to spend every home basketball game cheering on the Trojans. No matter if it’s football games or basketball games, the energy of the students is unmatched. Being fortunate enough to take pride in my school is something I’m grateful for.” - Reagan

“I plan on attending the University of Alabama and majoring in either Financial Planning or Interior Design.” - Reagan

“I’ve lived in the Shoals my entire life.  My family is here, so that’s a big piece I’m leaving when I go to college.  I’ll definitely miss the simple, raw beauty that the Shoals has to offer.  No matter where I go in life I’ll always call the Shoals my home.” - Reagan


I thank You for Reagan. I thank You for allowing our paths to cross, and for blessing me with such a beautiful human being to work with. I know that You have amazing plans for Reagan as she ventures away from home, and I can’t wait to see what You have in store for her. I pray that You bless Reagan with Your Peace as she faces all of the changes ahead, and Your Guidance as she navigates the real world on her own. Thank You for such an incredible year, and thank You for blessing me with the hometown crowd that I have rooting for me.



Colby Richardson | Muscle Shoals High School Senior


Zoie McGuyer | Florence High School Senior